Welcome to the official NL information site for Bowtech Training in the Original Bowen Technique

Only Bowtech Accredited Instructors can bring you the seven modules of Basic Training, Specialised Bowen Procedures 1 (Advanced) and Specialised Bowen Procedures 2 (Masters) courses all of which we received directly from Mr. Bowen who asked us exclusively to document and chart his amazing techniques. 

Jacqui Hoitingh is the Official Bowtech Instructor in The Netherlands and has 25 years experience as a Bowen Practitioner and 19 years as a Bowtech Instructor. Living in Naarden, in the Netherlands but still working in Scotland, England and of course running Modules 1-12 in The Netherlands.

Our Bowtech therapists form part of an international network of Academy-registered practitioners influencing health care in over 30 countries around the world. Only Bowtech gives access to the full range of procedures documented directly from founder Tom Bowen (1916 – 1982), who developed this unique therapy in his clinic in Victoria, Australia.

Since then, his work has been continued by Ossie and Elaine Rentsch (pictured below) ensuring more and more people can benefit from this gentle yet dynamic therapy which has been shown to have a profound effect on the body.

Bowtech is the longest established training course for Bowen in the UK and Europe


The Bowen technique is a dynamic system of muscle and connective tissue therapy. It utilises small but measured inputs to the body stimulating to heal itself, often profoundly. With each bowen move we are addressing the Fascia, that all important tissue that surrounds organs, muscles, muscle fibres which creates a communication network throughout the body. Hydration in the body is all important and Bowen moves because of the limited stimulation brings fluidity and hydration back to the structures.

Ossie & Elaine Rentsch

Bowen Academy of Australia

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn this extraordinary method. 

Bowtech has extensive support throughout the world with over 130 accredited teachers.  Only Bowtech gives access to the full range of procedures documented by Oswald Rentsch directly from Tom Bowen himself. 

Introduction Day

Kobaaltstraat 7D Naarden, Saturday 4th May 10.30am-4pm

Is Bowen For You?

This Introductory Day will help you to decide if the Bowen Course is for you. You will learn how it works, it's history. You will learn some moves and practice and experience Bowen Therapy. 

You will also have a good idea of the time involved and what will be taught in the modules.

A fun and enjoyable day!

Cost 100 - if you decide to join the Course this will be deducted, so this allows you to make a better decision. 

Please email [email protected] to apply

Upcoming events

24 & 25th May Module 1 - 7 & 8th June Module 2 (2024)

This module runs over 2 days

Module 1 & 2 are paid for together:

€685 (€325 per module) includes registration fees

Module 1 starts with an introduction to the Bowen Technique. You will find out about the history of Bowtech, how Bowtech works and what you can use Bowtech for.

You will be given a manual to cover this module.

Your hands on work will start with learning the Bowen move.   You will also learn the Bowen Relaxation Moves, Kidney and Neck procedure.

Also covered will be working with a client.

Please look at the information for Mod 2 listing the content below.

Please note an Anatomy & Physiology Certificate is necessary before you can practice as a therapist. We recommend https://www.sagho.nl/opleidingen  Please check if you currently have a certificate.

To apply for Modules 1&2 email [email protected] 

Module 1- Course Prerequisites

This Basic Bowen Course includes Modules 1-6A plus the Mod 7 Exam

Please note an Anatomy & Physiology Certificate is necessary before you can practice as a therapist. We recommend https://www.sagho.nl/opleidingen  Please check if you currently have a certificate.

Module 01

This module runs over 2 days

Module 1 & 2 are paid for together.

€685 (€325 per module) includes registration fees

Module 1 starts with an introduction to the Bowen Technique. You will find out about the history of Bowtech, how Bowtech works and what you can use Bowtech for.

You will be given a manual to cover this module.

Your hands on work will start with learning the Bowen move.   You will also learn the Bowen Relaxation Moves, Kidney and Neck procedure.

Also covered will be working with a client.

Contact [email protected] to apply 

Bowen Module 02

This module runs over 2 days

Module 1 & 2 are paid for together.

€695 (€325 per module paid at Mod 1) includes registration fees & manuals

Module 2 starts with a recap of the Bowen move and the Bowen Relaxation Moves (BRM's)

Module 2 is included in the manual you will have received at Module 1

You will continue with your hands on work and learn the Respiratory procedure, Shoulder procedure (with and without an assistant), Hamstring procedure and the Cramp procedure.

You will also discuss the guidelines for case studies.  You will be required to present 2 case studies at the beginning of Module 3.

Bowen Module 03

This module runs over 2 days

Module 3 & 4 are paid for together

€650 (€325 per module)

Module 3 will start with a recap of previous modules and the handing in of your 2 case studies.

There will be a written test after lunch on 2nd day.

You will receive a new manual for Module 3.

In Module 3 you will be learning the Pelvic procedure, Elbow/Wrist Procedure, Sacral Procedure and the Knee procedure.

You will also have the opportunity to discuss with your tutor any concerns you may have with your case studies or any other area of concern.

Bowen Module 04

This module runs over 2 days

Module 3 & 4 are paid for together

€650 (€325 per module)

Module 4 will be covered in the manual you received for Module 3.

Your hands on experience will cover the Ankle Procedure (with strapping), Upper Respiratory/TMJ Procedure, Forearm Procedure, Bowenwork seated, Babies and Children, Hammer Toe Procedure (with strapping) and the Bunion Procedure.

You will also hand in 2 more case studies.

There will be a written test after lunch on 2nd day.

A look at Tom Bowen's home remedies is also covered in this Module.

Bowen Module 05

This module runs over 2 days

Module 5 & 6 are paid for together

€650  (€  325 per module)

Module 5 starts with a manual to cover this Module.

Your hands on experience covers the Coccyx Procedure, North, East, South and West Procedures, Gall Bladder Procedure and the Chest Procedure.

You will hand in 3 case studies

There will be a written test after lunch on 2nd day.

Bowen Module 06

This module runs over 2 days

Module 5 & 6 are paid for together

€650  (€325 per module)

Module 6 will be covered in the manual you received at Module 5.

Your hands on work will cover 5a or 7a Medially Procedure, Bursitis Procedure, Perineal Procedure, Bedwetting Procedure, Thoracic Procedure and Buttock Pain Procedure.

You will also discuss Ossie's recommendations for some alternative procedures to consider when the most obvious procedures for a condition have not given a full resolution.

You will also hand in your last 3 case studies.

There will be a written test after lunch on 2nd day.

Bowen Module 6a Revision of 1-6

This module runs over 2 days

Module 5 & 6 are paid for together


This  Module is a revision of all the previous Modules, giving you an opportunity to fine tune any moves that were a little tougher.

You will also have a mock Module 7 exam to help alleviate any nerves.

There is no written test, just purely practical as you will have in your Mod 7 Exam.

Intuition & Revision

Learn to tune into your Intuition while working with clients to enhance your work

Course Prerequisites:

This is a course for any Bowen Practitioner who has a Basic course up to Mod 3/4.

Would you like more confidence in your Bowen Basic Work as well as to learn to tune into your client Intuitively? Know which procedure would benefit them the most. This workshop will help you work with your clients in any modality. Over the two days we will revise the most useful Basic Bowen procedures bringing you more Confidence and Precision. You will also learn more tools to help you Intuitively and can be used in all areas of your life. What we will cover: * Working with Intention & Focus, tune into the client* Daily practice to help you clear your own energy, which helps you help the client. * Meditations * Basic Bowtech work Revision * Working with Kinesiology * Pendulum Work * How to know if it's Intuition and not your ego * Pelvic Procedure - The Foundations * TMJ- Vagus nerve connection and add move 3 elbow/wrist * Coccyx  - Safety and nominated procedures time permitting. You will go home feeling your have more accurate moves as well as learning some wonderful tools to last your lifetime, should you use them frequently. 16 hours - Cost €325,-

Revision will be any procedures that are often more difficult like TMJ, Coccyx, Pelvic & Elbow/Wrist.

Bowen Module 07 Exam

This module runs over 2 days

Cost: €350

Where possible 2 Senior Instructors will assess the candidates for proficiency in all the basic procedures learnt during Modules 1-6

Students are required to send all the relevant completed paperwork to the co-ordinator at least three weeks before the chosen date for their Module 7.

Case studies and practice log sheets must be brought to the course on the first morning.

This is a Post Graduate course

Module 08

This module runs over 2 days -see upcoming dates

Module 8 

Cost €350

Module 8 is a revision of all procedures from Modules 1-6 with some exciting new additional procedures and information on postural assessment, minimum requirements.

You will receive a new manual for this Module, please note this training has many extra procedures that may be new to you. They are included in the Bowtech Basic training and this is a revision of all that. So you will need good notes as not all are in your previous manual.

Qualifications and pre-requisites for this course are:

Any time after completing a Module 7

Therapists can attend as many Module 8's as they see fit before progressing onto Module 9

Only 1 Modules 8 is required as a pre-requisite to attending Module 9

Ideal opportunity for CPD's.   

This course has NVST & Gat 56 hours and 2.0 ECT

Anyone from other schools can attend and if their work is up to standard can advance to Mods 9-12

Bowen Module 09 SBP1- Advanced

This module runs over 2 days

Cost €395

The Module 9 is the first part of your Advance course.

You will receive a manual for this course.

The procedures in this course may be helpful for the more persistent and unusual symptoms that clients present with, that have not fully responded to the basic work. These procedures are very dynamic and often invoke a whole body response. It is therefore necessary to assess accurately when to employ them. Very few of them are appropriate for use in a first treatment. Presented by UK Senior Instructors

The pre-requisite for Module 9 is: 

To have completed at least one  Module 8       

To have been qualified for at least 1 year

This course has NVST & Gat 56 hours and 2.0 ECT 

Members applying for this course for the first time are required to send - a copy of their Mod 8 Certificate with their application.

Bowen Module 10 SBP1- Advanced

This module runs over 2 days

Cost €395

Module 10 will be covered by the manual received at Module 9

The Module 10 (2 Days) will be a complete review all 19 procedures in Module 9.

There will also be a  continual Practical Assessment throughout the 2 days plus a multiple choice, open book Written Assessment to be done overnight.

Successful Module 10 candidates will be awarded a certificate and can say they are Advanced Bowtech Practitioners.

Pre-requisites for the Module 10 are:

To have completed a Module 9

At least 6 months between Module 9 and Module 10

This course holds NVST & GAT 56 hours and 2.0 ECT

Members applying for this course for the first time are required to send - a copy of their Certificate of Attendance of Mod 9 -  with their application.

Bowen Module 11 SBP 2- Masters

This module runs over 2 days - Upcoming Dates 15&16th December 2023

Cost €420

Module 11 is the first part of your Masters Course.

You will receive a new manual for this course. These procedures will "trouble shoot" problems that have not been resolved with previously know procedures and offer more option for you to consider.

The content of the SBP2 manual is a compilation of those extra moves and procedures that have not previously been documented.  As well as adding to the already considerable range of procedures at your disposal it will encourage you to enhance your observational and assessment skills enabling you to "pinoint" more accurately which procedure or individual moves to chose.

Pre- requisites for Module 11 are:

To have attained the SBP 1 Certificate at least 6 months prior to the SBP 2 course.

This course will have NVST & Gat 56 hours and 2.0 ECT 

Members applying for this course for the first time are required to send - a copy of their Advanced Certificate Mod 10-  with their application.

Bowen Module 12 SBP 2 - Masters

This module runs over 2 days -see Upcoming Events

Cost €420

Module 12 will be covered by the manual received at Module 11.

Your Module 12 will consist of a repeat of Module 11 plus practical assessments.

You will also be required to complete an open book written assessment.

Pre-requisites for the Module 12 are:

To have attended a Module 11.

To have at least 6 months between Module 11 and Module 12

Members applying for this course are required to send - a copy of their Certificate of Attendance Mod 11 with their application.

This course holds NVST & Gat 56 hours and 2.0 ECT

Your Instructor , Jacqui Hoitingh , Bowtech Instructor Netherlands

I started out on a Bowen course in Glasgow in 1998, never having had a treatment nor did I know much about it. For some reason I was drawn to it and I followed my intuition. Thank goodness I listened! My life has changed so much since then. I am a great believer in following your heart and Bowen has opened up a different life and work which I love doing. I qualified as an Instructor in 2005 and I just love teaching, my aim is to get the best Practitioners out there, sharing this magnificent Therapy with as many people as possible. My newest passion is teaching Intuition & Revision Workshops- the reviews speak for themselves! By combining Bowen as you tune into your Intuition just makes the treatment so much more powerful! I am always enthusiastic about teaching and seeing someone have a light bulb moment, “Oh now I understand” makes it all so much more enjoyable. I am married to Robin, also a Bowen Practitioner and my lovely twins Kai & Jay. I love travelling and just as well as I now live in Holland but still do courses in the UK. I run Basic courses in Scotland & Post Graduate course plus Workshops all over the UK as well as in Holland.

I am passionate to keep the standard of Bowen high so more people hear about the wonderful benefits.




"A good reminder of how little details are important to a profound treatment rather than just a good treatment. Enjoyed meeting fellow practitioners, being able to work on a real baby and hearing personal treatment anecdotes."

J. Michalczyk

"Deeper understanding of technique. Useful tips from all participants. Looking forward to implementing new technique into my practice and other courses."

M. Bonner

"Amazing Course!! Eye & Mind Opening- Empowering & Powerful- loved Every single minute! Excellent Course- Will change the way I approach my work. Helped me re connect to Intuition & Trust- enjoyed group group energy, connection and Stillness. A Wonderful Day FULL of info. You work SO Well together, Thank you This Day has unlocked a ‘box’ for me!"

M. Bonner

"Enjoyed learning new moves at a nice pace to allow retention of the new information. Thank you, fab as usual."

Module 11 & 12 Naarden 15th & 16th Decemberditional products

Master- This consists of 2 parts Mod 11 then with at least a 6 months gap, you repeat (Mod 12) with a pass of an additional test you will then attain your Masters Certificate